1st international conference on advanced production and processing - ICAPP
“Step forward”"
10th and 11th October 2019, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
више информација о конференцији погледајте на енглеској верзији сајта Факултета
65. Саветовање "Производња и прерада уљарица"
23 - 28. jun 2024., Херцег Нови, Црна Гора
15th ECerS Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics, CYSC 2023
2nd CEFSER (Center of Excellence for Food Safety and Emerging Risks) Workshop “Persistent organic pollutants in food and environment“,
26th Symposium on Recent Developments in Dairy Technology,
BIOXEN seminar “Novel approaches for environmental protection"