Author Guidelines
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All visitors and participants of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing (ICAPP) receive 20% article processing charge discount, just make sure to mention ‘2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing (ICAPP)’ and professors Bursać Kovačević, Putnik and Tomašević in your Cover Letters during submission. FOODS — Indexing — Impact Factor: 5.561 |
All visitors and participants of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing (ICAPP) receive 20% article processing charge discount, just make sure to mention ‘2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing (ICAPP)’ and professors Putnik and Šojić Merkulov in your Cover Letters during submission. Nanomaterials — Indexing — Impact Factor: 5.719 |
Participants are welcomed to submit:
- Abstracts,
- Posters,
- Full papers.
Abstract submission
Organizers of the conference welcome online abstract submissions written in English language that are closely related to the areas specified in Conference Topics/Sessions, until 15th June 2022.
All abstracts should represent original scientific work. Submitted abstracts will be carefully reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee and the announcement of abstract acceptance will be sent to authors via e-mail not later than 4 weeks after abstract submission.
For abstract submission please fill out the Abstract Template (download - docx) and send a filled form via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oral presentation instruction
If you are preparing oral presentation for ICAPP it should take no more than 10-12 minutes and should be followed by adequate Power Point presentation. 5 minutes will be left for discussion.
Poster Instructions
If you are preparing a poster presentation (on the basis of a sent abstract), you should follow the rules listed below:
- Poster size must be B1 (70cm x 100cm) portrait oriented,
- All text should not be smaller than 20pt,
- Text in plots and figures should also be at least 20pt,
- 1000 words is a good poster length,
- Poster should include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussions and Conclusion,
- Use section headings to orient the viewer.
Full paper submission
All correspondence, including submission of the manuscript, notification of the Editor’s decision and requests for revision, is conducted via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Submission of paper implies that:
- It is prepared according to these Instructions,
- It has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting, or academic thesis),
- It is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and
- It will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.
Preparation of manuscripts
Language: Manuscript should be written in English.
Typing: Manuscript must be written in Word with a font Times New Roman size 12 pt, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, on A4 pages (max. 10 pages for scientific papers).
All pages of the manuscript should be numbered. Import tables and figures into the text. Abbreviations and symbols-notation should be explained at first appearing, or on a separate list at the end of manuscript.
General format
The manuscript should contain the following in this order: Title page, abstract and key words, introduction, experimental, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references.
Title page
On the first page, there should be the title without symbols, formulas or abbreviations (capital bold letters). Title should be concise and explanatory of the content of the paper. Full name (name, initial and surname) of authors (without degrees, professional or official titles) should be given under the title, written in italics. Clearly indicate (with asterisk) who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication. Ensure that e-mail address and the full postal address are provided. Affiliation of authors should be given after the author’s name. Indicate all affiliations with superscript number immediately after authors’ name and in front of appropriate address. If the paper was sent, as a whole or partially, at a scientific meeting, this should be stated in a footnote on the title page.
Abstract of the paper (100-250 words) should be given under the title and authors. Abstracts should contain the aim of investigated work, methods, results and conclusion.
Key words (Times New Roman 12, max. 5 key words) should be listed afterwards.
Introduction should state previous relevant work with appropriate references, the problem investigated and the aim of work.
The materials and methods used should be stated clearly in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated by others. Only new techniques should be described in detail; known methods must have adequate references.
Results and Discussion
Results should be presented concisely, with tables or illustrations for clarity. The significance of the findings should be discussed without repetition of the material in the Introduction. Adequate number of illustrations, graphs and chemical formulae used should be kept to minimum.
This section should present the main conclusions of the study. Also, conclusions should indicate the significance of contribution and application possibilities of the obtained results.
Acknowledgements should be kept to minimum.
References cited should be indicated in the text using Arabic numerals in brackets ( ), in the order of appearing. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references given on a separate page. Abbreviations of journal titles should be given according to the Chemical Abstracts Service (CASSI Search Tool; The list of references should be presented according to ACS citation style and their appearance in the text. Give names of all authors (do not use „“), with their initials after respective surnames. Include article titles in journals. The abbreviated titles should be followed by the year (bold), volume (italic), number (in brackets if exists), and first and last page numbers.
The ICAPP best poster award will be awarded for each conference session.
The Best Poster Presentation Award - read more
The Best Student Oral Presentation Award - read more