Laboratory for Materials in Cultural Heritage
The LABORATORY FOR MATERIALS IN CULTURAL HERITAGE examines historical materials, develops new functional materials for cleaning and protection of tangible cultural heritage and establishes new methods for testing.
The LABORATORY examines built-in components and products of degradation processes of immobile cultural heritage including inorganic, organic and biological compounds. The LABORATORY performs testing of different movable and immovable artworks. It identifies painting methods, wall and easel painting techniques, and determines artworks authenticity. The LABORATORY carries out comprehensive characterization of materials, determination of their state of art, containing details about causes, mechanisms and level of degradation, and offers expert advice for optimal healing, conservation and restoration. The LABORATORY performs scientific research in the fields of development of new functional materials for cleaning and protection of cultural heritage objects and establishment of modern methodologies for testing of novel materials functionality and impact.
The LABORATORY conducts sampling, laboratory and in-situ testing using the following techniques: X-Ray Fluorescent Spectroscopy (XRF), X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Fourier Transforming Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR), Optical Spectrofotometry in UV and Visible Spectra, Infra-Red Thermographic Camera Imaging, Zeta Potential and Particle Size Measuring, Drilling Resistance Measurement System, Hg Porosimetry and Microidentation. Mobile laboratory equipment includes XRF System, FTIR Device, DRM System, Optical Stereomicroscope and IR Thermographic Camera.
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Head of the LABORATORY:
Dr Snežana Vučetić
Phone: 021/485-3623
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Quality Manager:
Dr Bojan Miljević
Phone: 021/485-3757
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