The Library of Faculty of Technology formally exists from the Faculty’s foundation and it is the largest Library today in the field of technical and technological sciences in Vojvodina.
The Library has a large collection of printed books, over 15.000 monographies and 940 serial units. The collection includes all kind of students’ papers such as final, bachelor, master theses, specialist papers and doctoral theses.
Publications from the whole Library’s collection are gathered in one electronic catalogue, which is located in University data basis and could be searched by Internet.
Library’s electronic catalogue, as well as other printed and electronic sources, provides easy way to search for any information by Faculty of Technology teachers, researchers and students. The Library of Faculty of Technology Novi Sad uses library software system BISIS v. 4.0 in order to insert and search all library materials. It is connected to Academic Network of Serbia and in this way it offers access to all data bases of Kobson for all students and employees.
The Library of Faculty of Technology has developed good interlibrary loan possibilities within country of Serbia and via Library of Matica Srpska with foreign libraries for their users.
As a University Library it is an open-type of library and all publications and library-information services can be used by all students, teachers, and associates of the Faculty as well as all other users. Librarians can offer help at any time while collecting data for studying, researching and education.
The Library is located in the hall of new building of Faculty of Technology, Bul. cara Lazara 1, room no. 11 on the ground floor there is a students’ group study room with 45 seats in the air-conditioned space.