Materials Engineering

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In the framework of study programme of Materials Engineering, the specialists are educated and trained to run, control and improve material production independently or in a team as well as all components and final products obtained from ceramic, polymer or composite materials; to test and improve content, structure and characteristics of materials and to process, apply and recycle material as well as to analyze the influence of the materials and its production on the environment in order to protect it. This study programme is also the base for the continuation of education through doctoral degree and further on.

After graduation at master degree level of studies, there is a wide range of employment opportunities such as power-plants and development laboratories dealing with obtaining and processing of materials such as factories of cement, bricks, tiles, ceramics, synthetic polymers (polyethylene, polypropylene, SBR caoutchouc) that are usually part of big multinational companies as well as great number of private and public enterprises dealing with material processing, with the aim of final product obtaining. This study programme is especially appropriate for the development of small businesses. Apart from this, employment opportunity also exists in trade enterprises dealing with material distribution, in scientific laboratories and education institutions.

List of Courses - pdf